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Death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 632 A.D  

There are many differences in the traditions regarding the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but it may be appropriate for us to state the most popular traditions. Historians differ on the date of his death, but the majority agree that Dushanbe It was day, it was the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal and it was the third afternoon of the day.

 On this day, during the morning prayers, his health became better. As the day went on, his health started deteriorating. In the third afternoon, he took a kiss from Hazrat Ayesha and kissed her. In the afternoon, he noticed a change in his voice. He used to meet her on his face and say some words to her. Hazrat Ayesha was with him. As soon as the people came to know, unrest began to spread among the people, some of them came to their senses, some of them started fleeing here and there. It seemed as if someone had said that if he died, I would blow his neck. Hazrat Uthman was also coming here and there without talking to anyone. Hazrat Ali sat next to him exhausted with grief. After a while, Hazrat Abu Bakr came to the notice, saw his face and came to the mosque. There, Hazrat Umar was addressing the people with a sword. 

Hazrat Abu Bakr stopped him but did not stop. Then Hazrat Abu Bakr addressed the people. The verse of Surah Al-Imran reads: "And Muhammad (1) is a messenger. Many Messengers have passed away before him. If they die or are martyred, will you turn back on your heels?" Allah will not do any harm and soon Allah will reward those who give thanks. ”Hearing this, Hazrat Omar became convinced that he had passed away. Since the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had instructed that my family and relatives should bury me. So this service was done by your family members. So Hazrat Fazl bin Abbas, Hazrat Qatam bin Abbas, Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Osama bin Zayd together bathed him. After the ghusl, the shrouds of the three cotton cloths made in the village of Sahol were made without a shirt or turban.

After the burial, according to the will of the Holy Prophet, Athar's body was left alone in the house. After that, the Muslims prayed in groups, but each group prayed without leading. First Hazrat Ali Hazrat Abbas and then Banu Hashim rose above this wealth. Then the male companions would go in groups and receive the privilege of blessings and pilgrimage one by one. After that the women and children prayed like this. So that every person would get the perfect reward and this matter was also based on the will of the Holy Prophet. It is narrated from Hazrat Ali that he said that no one should lead the funeral of Hazrat Muhammad because the Holy Prophet is your Imam even in the days of his life and at the time of his demise. For burial, some of the companions said that he was asked to be buried in Makkah, while others said that he should be buried in Janat al-Baqi. 

Abu Bakr said, "I have heard that the Prophet is buried where he died." The tomb was arranged in the room of Hazrat Ayesha. Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari prepared the tomb which was near Lahad. Hazrat Fazl bin Abbas, Qatam bin Abbas, Hazrat Abbas and Hazrat Ali unloaded Athar's body in Munawar. During the funeral procession, the Ansar gathered at Saqifa Nabi Sa'ida to take the oath of allegiance at the hands of Saad bin Ibadah. He claimed that the Khilafah Ansar had the right after the Messenger of Allah. Because they helped religion. 

He made the Messenger of Allah stay with him and fought against him, but the Muhajireen who had reached Saqifa Nabi Sa'ida at that time opposed him. So the parties started arguing. Gradually it was reported to Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar. These two elders left with Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah Saqina. Hazrat Abu Bakr said that of course the Ansar have the honor of helping the religion. We stayed in Makkah and persecuted him in difficult times. We are princes and you are ministers. As the conversation intensified, Habab ibn Munther al-Jawwa said that he should be one of the rich emigrants and one of the Ansar.

Umar ibn al-Khattab: You will remember very well that Hazrat Muhammad has bequeathed to us to treat you well and if you had the privilege of the Emirate, he would have bequeathed to you. Omar Farooq was able to say so much that Habab bin Al-Mundhir got up and started arguing and the two men started talking loudly. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah was stopping these two elders and was saying, "O group of Ansarullah, fear Allah, you are the ones who helped him first." So don't be one of them first. Who have changed their nature. Bashir ibn Sa'd ibn al-Nu'man ibn Ka'b ibn al-Khazraj But our aim with this Islam was to please Allah Almighty and obey Him. We don't want compensation in the world, nor do we want to quarrel with the refugees about it. Habab bin Al-Mundhir: O Bashir, you have shown great cowardice by Allah and you have ruined the whole factory. Bashir: No, no, I did not express my opinion cowardly. On the contrary, I found it offensive to fight for the Emirate and the Khilafah against a nation that deserves it. Did you not hear that Hazrat Muhammad said, "Tomorrow the Imam will be from Quraysh." As soon as this speech was over, two or three Ansar and Muhajireen confirmed it, which changed the view of Habab bin Al-Mundhir and all of a sudden the noise that was made in this regard regarding the Emirate was completely removed. Everyone was in a state of silence. Hazrat Abu Bakr pointed out allegiance to Hazrat Umar and Abu Ubaidah. Hazrat Umar said that he would never take allegiance as long as Abu Bakr was present. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah agreed with this opinion. Then Bashir ibn Sa'd got up and first swore allegiance to Abu Bakr. Then Hazrat Umar and Abu Ubaidah did it again because they were from the Khazraj Emirate. 

Among them was Aseed bin Hudhair. After him, all those who pledged allegiance to him used to follow the oath of allegiance of Hazrat Abu Bakr. As soon as we saw it, it became so abundant that there was no place to keep it. Sa'd ibn 'Abadah was sitting in a corner. Omar replied that he had been killed by Allah Almighty. On hearing this, Saad got up and shook hands with them. Omar also got angry but stopped by Abu Bakr. When everyone had sworn allegiance, Saad was asked to swear allegiance. Saad refused to swear allegiance. Hazrat Bashir said, "These are the only men. Forgive them and leave them in their condition." So, after this incident, Hazrat Sa'd did not join them in prayers or meet them.

 Even Hazrat Abu Bakr passed away. Allama Tabari has written that Hazrat Saad also took the oath of allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr on the same day after some time and some have said that after this incident Hazrat Saad went to Syria and stayed there till his death. Done.

Hazrat Abu Bakr came to the mosque on the second day of Bay'at Saqifa and sat on the member and took public allegiance from the people. Then he stood up and after the praise and Naat addressed the audience and said: "O people! I have been made your ruler even though I am not better than you. If I am right, help me and if I am on the wrong path." If I choose, then straighten me up. Truth is trust and falsehood is treachery, and the weak among you is stronger in my sight, until I give him his right, and the strong is weaker in my sight than I am in his right. No one will give up jihad because Allah humiliates those who give up jihad. Obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger and do not obey me when I disobey. Well, now stand up for prayer, may Allah have mercy on you. " According to some, Saad ibn Ibadah, Hazrat Ali ibn Hashim, Talha and Zubayr were behind in swearing allegiance and according to some, Hazrat Ali had sworn allegiance only a short time after they had finished the burial. The allegiance was not in accordance with what was taken by force. 

According to some, Abu Sufyan came to Hazrat Ali and asked why the second seat is on the Khilafah in his presence. If you wish, I will swear allegiance to you and fight for the Khilafah. Hazrat Ali rejected his offer saying that since when did you become a devotee of Islam. Shortly after the pledge of allegiance, some of the wives of the Prophet and Hazrat Fatima mentioned inheritance, to which Abu Bakr replied, "I have heard from Hazrat Muhammad that you used to say that there will be no inheritance in our wealth. Whatever we leave behind is charity." Of course, the family of Muhammad can take alimony from it. By God, the kinship of Hazrat Muhammad is more dear to me than my kinship in terms of behavior. ”

Within a few days of the Khilafah, or according to some, on the first day of May, Hazrat Abu Bakr ordered the formation of an army under the leadership of Osama bin Zayd, and on the 26th of June, Osama bin Zayd left Madinah. In the following weeks after their departure, they gathered around Medina, thinking it was empty of the army, and intended to attack. The intelligence reached Abu Bakr and they took immediate action. Formed a detachment led by Talha and Zubair.

Death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Death of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 


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