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Prophet Noah (A.S)

Prophet Noah (A.S)

History Of  Prophet Noah (A.S) 

According to an estimate, the time of Prophet Noah: Noah was 950 years old. He invited his people to avoid evil and to obey Allah, but the question of some people did not come to fruition. They would put their hands over their ears, except that when the next generation was born and the children began to grow up, their mothers would bring their children to Noah and advise them to stay away from him and to be hostile to him. Noah prayed and Allah accepted his supplication and through Gabriel ordered him to build an ark. The ark was built for more than 30 years, people kept making fun of it and one day the sign of the flood It was revealed that Noah, according to God's command, put a pair of each creature in the ark, but Noah's son and wife did not get on board and drowned. The ark remained in the water for about 40 days and one day Judi started from the mountain located in the city, thanked Prophet Noah and his descendants. Noah had three sons, Ham, Shem, and Japheth. The descendants of Hazrat Sam spread to Arabia, Ajam and the West, the descendants of Hazrat Ham spread to Africa and the descendants of Hazrat Japheth spread from Turkmenistan to China.

History Of  Prophet Noah (A.S) 


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